Saturday, January 23, 2010

Get your hands on a winning cockie!

Leave your bedroom open tonight for there’s a very good chance the Makybe Diva of the insect world might just fly in and make you famous.

A little bit of training, chasing breadcrumbs tied to the end of a long piece of dental floss, and before you know it you could be holding up the Gold Cup at next week’s 29th Annual Australia Day Cockroach Races at the Story Bridge Hotel.
Training is one thing; thinking up a name that pleases the punters is another spray of Moretein entirely.
Past winners on race day at the Bridge have included Drainlover, Crawlin’ Hanson, Cocky Balboa, Ita Buttroach, Osama Bin Liner and Sir Roach-a-Lot.
All went on to even greater glory, to a very satisfying career at stud or under someone’s foot, whatever came first. Gates open at 11 am with a massive 12-race program. There’s DJS, a Miss Cockie competition and best stable costume competition where a group that takes a little bit of effort and imagination with their attire will win a $2000 party at the pub!.
Entry is my a gold coin donation, which publicans Jane and Richard Deery as is their custom each cocky raceday will donate to a worthwhile cause, and this year it’s Variety, the children’s charity.

Check the hotel’s website at for more details.