The proud folk of Teneriffe pulled the wool over all our eyes in the nicest possible way last Saturday, when many thousands of visitors came along to the inaugural Teneriffe Festival celebrating the area’s recent elevation as a suburb in its own right.
The wool industry dominated the suburb for a century or so, and sheep in one form or another dominated the day’s fun. Festival organiser Nicole Ogilvie told The Independent: “The Teneriffe Festival was a resounding success with over 25,000 people enjoying the sunshine, the lovely Teneriffe river side setting and the entertainment.
“The Teneriffe Festival Committee is ecstatic with the outcomes, and judging by the glowing feedback from local residents and businesses, the Teneriffe Festival looks like it will become an annual event.
“The Teneriffe Festival committee should be congratulated for all of their hard work and helping to pull off one of the best festivals that Brisbane has seen in some time.
“The vital ingredient was the attachment to locality and our intention to keep the focus on local history and chiefly wool.”
Local councillor David Hinchliffe endorsed those comments: “Teneriffe Festival is well on the way to becoming Brisbane’s best local festival and that’s because we emphasise the local.
“This isn’t like every other commercial festival. Its focus is on history and locality and I think that’s what will continue to make it special.”