Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Play our exciting new game!


It’s now well over two months since Stage One of CityCycle was launched with much fanfare on October 1, so when will the Stage One station in the Valley Mall greet its first bike for hire?

Entries have been flooding in – okay, trickling in – since we started Spoke in the Wheel Lotto last issue. Sadly, some of the answers have tipped December dates, and judging by the state of progress as this edition went to press, the chain has well and truly slipped off their chances. Other central Valley stations that looked ready a month ago are still bikeless.

How long does it take for cement to cure, or electronic gadgetry to fire up? And what do you think? Send your guess as to the very first day bikes will be available at the station to us via email to editor@ or via post to PO Box 476 Valley Q 4006, to reach us by 5pm Friday December 24! (STOP PRESS: LET'S MAKE THAT DECEMBER 31!)

We’ll shout the randomly selected winner (if we have more than one entry with the right date) a year’s subscription to the scheme – or they can take the money if they want! Our tip? January 15 ... we're just not sure which year.

If you don’t stock CityCycle stations with bikes, people
will find other uses for them!