Saturday, February 19, 2011

Flood cleanup volunteers praised


Local State MP Grace Grace MP has issued a “big “thank you” to all those residents, businesses and community groups in her Brisbane Central electorate who worked so hard to soften the blow of the recent flood event to hit our suburbs.

“As we all have seen it has been a truly amazing response to what has been for many a difficult and trying time, if not a disaster,” Ms Grace said. “Neighbours, friends and strangers have been pitching in to clean up the areas most affected like parts of the CBD, New Farm, Windsor, Herston, Newstead and Albion,” she said.
“I would also like to pay tribute to the many volunteers who assisted at the Bowen Hills Evacuation and Recovery Centre who were looking after 1500 people at the height of the emergency.
“It was truly heart-warming to see the continual flow of people in cars and trucks donating food, clothing and goods to the centre to help the evacuees.
“I have been distributing recovery information to as many people as possible affected by the floods but if anyone requires additional assistance with information on how to get back on their feet please call me on 3832 1322.”