Thursday, October 27, 2011

Good at disasters? Then your help is needed


Reckon you’re pretty adept when it comes to disasters? Not starting them. We mean dealing with them once they occur?

City councillor David Hinchliffe (Central Ward) says that as the storm and potential flood season approaches, thoughts do turn naturally to disasters such as those last summer, so so he has called for those people who are interested in helping out in emergency situations to contact his office.
“I am compiling a contact list of all key agencies and individuals in the local area so that we can hit the ground running in local emergencies.
“The key disaster agencies of course are State, District and Local Disaster Centres. However what we learned from the Januay floods was the real need to communicate decisions made at those levels with key hasgroups and individuals in the suburbs.
“Some of the most effective local agents in January were local churches, neighbourhood centres, local electricians and even real estate agents.
“Police, ambulance firefighters, council staff etc all have a defined job to do. That job is made easier if we have locals who can communicate local need back to these centres and from these centres to residents and businesses in the local area.
“If people feel they have something to contribute I'd appreciate it if they could contact my office so we can maintain up to date contact lists."
Those wanted to help should phone 3403 0254 or email