Puppy raisers needed
Guide Dogs Queensland (GDQ) is looking for volunteers to raise its puppies in their homes for 12 months. Foster parents teach pups basic obedience and good manners. All equipment, vet care and food is supplied. Volunteers need to only work part time or not at all, have a secure yard and a driver's licence. To apply go to www.guidedogsqld.com.au or call 3261 7555.
Swing along at Newstead
Get ready to tap your feet to the sounds of swing with a free afternoon concert by Brisbane Symphonic Band at Newstead House on Sunday 19 February 2012 at 2pm, Conducted by Stefanie Smith, the band will play with music from Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington and Frank Sinatra. Newstead House is in Newstead Park, Cnr Breakfast Creek Rd & Newstead Ave, Newstead. A small fee is charged to view the interior of the House. Sunday opening hours are from 2pm to 5pm