Clearly it’s got to be part of wartorn Beirut, or some other Middle Eastern troublespot? Well actually it’s right in the middle of the Indie’s patch, and some unkind people have suggested a bulldozer might be the best solution to its ongoing shabbiness.
If you know where it is, you’ve got the chance to win a $60 prize voucher to enjoy some tucker and a drink at the Brunswick Hotel in New Farm. Email your answer to editor@theindependent.com.au to reach us no later than 5pm on Friday week, May 21, 2010. Or drop us the answer in the post by the same deadline to PO Box 476 Valley Q 4006. One lucky winner will be off to the Brunnie on us. Bon appetit!
Emma Quigley of New Farm recognised the buildings from our 28 April Where am I? as part of the Royal Brisbane Hospital complex at Herston.Emma is off to the Brunnie for some tucker on us!