What’s this, then? Part of the bridge and superstructure of some rusty old freighter tied up somewhere in the Brisbane River?
Well, here’s a clue. It’s a sight that has only really become visible following the demolition of a large building deep in the Indie’s patch. Send your answer to editor@theindependent.com.au to reach us no later than 5pm on Friday week, 8 April 2011. Or drop us the answer in the post by the same deadline to PO Box 476 Valley Q 4006.
All correct entries will go into the barrel for the chance to win a $60 food and drink voucher at the Brunswick Hotel in New Farm.
Lindsay Anlezark of the Valley used some local knowledge to identify our recent Where Am I? – part of the facade of the Westpac Bank building on the corner of Wickham and Brunswick streets, Valley Enjoy the tucker at the Brunnie, Lindsay!