Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sub made a total mass of himself


Dear Editor

We enjoyed your latest issue, including the front-page typo which surely qualifies for a revered spot in the Pantheon of Freudian Slips, namely “ass-produced trinkets”. We couldn't agree more that there are lots of useless, ass-produced things around these days!

Gloria and Gerard
4/1 Newstead Avenue

Editor’s comment: Yes, that was a howler, wasn’t it? And our apologies to Cr David Hinchliffe, who was talking about “mass-produced trinkets”. The error was made in the production process and the subeditor involved – from our graphic design/subediting Pod 3 on Pre-Production Mezanine Level 4 – has been issued with an official warning, his 23rd.

Of hype and helmets

Dear Editor

I was furious when I read the “Questions answered about bike scheme” in your last issue. Talk about politician's answers ... completely ignoring the questions and putting out the same old hype we have suffered through all the time..
I am particularly concerned about the question of helmets, which was not even mentioned. Last I read “Can Do” said he was still looking into the question, I suspect it is in the too hard basket and we the ratepayers will end up with massive compensation owed to JCDecaux, because the scheme is unworkable from a safety viewpoint.
Of all the countries in the world in which this scheme is operating, not one has a mandatory helmet wearing law. Please again broach this subject with “Can Do” or someone who will address this question.

Philippa Webb
via email